9 Reasons You Need Annual Water Testing for Your Home
If you’ve been neglecting annual water testing, your water may have been contaminated over time or could be damaging your plumbing. Early signs of water contamination aren’t always evident and could be eroding your pipes or damaging your laundry without you knowing.
Inline Filter vs. Water Softener
If you are confused between an inline water filter and a water softener for your home, then the following article will help you with the same.
7 Questions to Ask Your Local Water Company
Water utility can be a government, municipal, or private unit which is responsible for providing household and drinking water in your area. They also take care of wastewater management. Your local water utility company is typically the one you need to contact with a set of queries. Let’s find out all about it.
What is Aerated Water? Aeration Water FAQs
One of the major components of the water treatment process is aeration. Aeration simply means the process by which air is circulated and added to the wastewater. This is done to expedite the process of biodegradation of the pollutants existing in the water.
The Benefits of Home Water Treatment and Water Filtration
Do you know what’s in your water that determines its quality? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably “no.” But that’s a problem because having good water quality solutions is becoming more and more of an issue every day.
5 Easiest Ways to Test Your Home Water Quality in Maryland
It’s important to know if the water you’re drinking is pure. Ignoring a certain smell or a different taste could cost you health problems in the long run. In this article, learn the 5 easiest ways to test your home water quality. And, be safe.
Water Treatment Breakdown: Why We Aerate Water
Earth is 70% water, but we all know that only about 3% of that amount is freshwater, which we can use for drinking and cleaning purposes. This finite is why treating water is so important. But that’s not all.
Bottled Water Vs. Filtered Water: A Water Quality Guide in Maryland
Let’s be honest. Finding safe drinking water for your family can be a tad bit intimidating. It seems simple, but when you really start exploring your options, it can get overwhelming rather quickly!
Yes, Your Well Water Needs to be Filtered: Here’s Why
Gas water heaters account for 60% of all household water heaters. Yet, there is a constant debate on whether or not they are energy efficient and worth the investment. Let’s take a closer look at gas water heaters and put the debate to rest.
National Water Service’s Featured Water Treatment Services in Maryland
Working from Maryland down to Virginia on many different projects, we see a lot of speciality projects that require a high level of experience, knowledge, and creative thinking to get the client exactly what they want. Here are just some of our featured jobs that required us to think creatively and desperate some of our most popular water treatment systems.