Water Treatment Breakdown:
Why We Aerate Water

Earth is 70% water, but we all know that only about 3% of that amount is freshwater, which we can use for drinking and cleaning purposes. This finite is why treating water is so important. But that’s not all.   

Let’s take a look at why water treatment is necessary and how aeration can help with the process.

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Why treat wastewater

water analysis for homeThe main purpose of treating wastewater is to remove organic matter and give it back to the environment so that it can be reused in some way. Treating wastewater is an important part of the life cycle because it helps provide better living conditions for people and also protects the environment by removing pollutants before they are discharged into the water bodies.   

Untreated wastewater is a serious environmental risk for two reasons: First, they contain high levels of bacteria and viruses from toilets and other sources that could pose a threat to human health if they get into drinking water or food supplies. Second, they contain nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus that can cause algal blooms and reduce the oxygen levels in the water, harming fish and other aquatic life.

Water can be treated using either physical, biological, chemical, or sludge treatment processes. Some methods can remove all pollutants, while others are more selective. For this reason, water treatment plants are complex operations that employ a variety of methods to treat wastewater. The method chosen depends on the source of the wastewater, how much there is, the quality of the water itself, and how it will be used once treated.

What is water aeration?

National Water ServiceAeration is the process of adding air to water. It is a method of water treatment that can be used as a primary or secondary treatment for wastewater as well as groundwater remediation. Aeration is frequently used as a pre-treatment step to chemical oxidation, such as chlorination, to remove organic material from water.  

In wastewater treatment, aeration increases the rate of oxygen transfer from air to water and reduces odor emissions by oxidation. In groundwater remediation, aeration reduces the hydraulic pressure in contaminated groundwater by reducing dissolved methane gas and carbon dioxide concentrations.

In essence, aeration is an important process that improves the water’s usability. So, if your home receives its water from a public system, ask whether your city treats its water to remove dissolved gases. If not, consider buying a home water aeration system to help reduce bad tastes and odors in your drinking water.

Uses of aeration

Oxidize minerals

Minerals, such as iron and manganese, are necessary for humans. They can occur naturally or due to industrial pollution, such as from nearby steel mills. While they are important for humans, excessive concentrations of these minerals can lead to unwanted side effects and health issues.  

Another problem is that these minerals also cause water to be discolored and smell like metal. So, it is important to treat them before they go into the water supply, which is achieved using aeration.  

Oxidize organic matter

Waste treatment plants and other facilities treat water to destroy pathogens and oxidize organic matter. Aerators use a combination of mechanical and chemical processes to oxidize the organic matter, which is then removed by conventional filtration methods.        

Waste treatment plants also treat raw sewage using aeration to reduce its mass and volume before processing it further and releasing it into rivers or lakes.

Reduce contaminants

Water aeration is an important alternative water treatment technology that can be used to remove or greatly reduce contaminants that cause bad taste and odor as well as reduce the need for chlorine treatments. By eliminating algae growth, unicellular organisms, decaying organic matter, etc., water aeration can make water safe for consumption.     

A water aerator tank can also reduce the presence of hydrogen sulfide from water, which is responsible for the rotten egg smell and sulfuric taste in water.

Increase oxygen content

Water aeration is also used to increase the dissolved oxygen content of water. Oxygen is vital for fish and other aquatic life in that it allows them to breathe oxygen from the water. Since it is our responsibility to release safe water back into the water bodies, aeration is an ideal water treatment solution.

When should you treat water?

Water requires to be treated both before and after it is used. If you receive your water supply from the local administration, rest assured that the water will already be treated for safe drinking levels. And you might be able to benefit from a regular water filtration system to ensure that the water is free of sediments and organic matter found in the pipes.  

But if you are sourcing your water from other places, such as a private well, you must consider investing in a well water aerator system to ensure the water is safe for you and your family.

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